Best Flutter App Development Company

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It allows developers to build native-like apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase. Since its release in 2017, Flutter has grown in popularity for building beautiful, high-performance mobile apps.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a SDK (software development kit) that includes tools, libraries, a rendering engine, and Dart - the programming language used to build Flutter apps. The key components and features of Flutter include:

Cross-platform development: Apps made with Flutter can be compiled to run natively on both iOS and Android from the same Dart code. This avoids having to maintain two separate code bases.

Hot Reload: A signature feature that allows you to view code changes instantly without restarting the app or losing state. This speeds up development significantly.

Customizable widgets: Flutter comes with a rich set of prebuilt UI widgets and tools like Widget Catalog to browse what's available. You can also create custom widgets to suit your needs.

Accessible native features: Flutter apps can access device features like camera, storage, geolocation etc via platform-specific APIs.

Dart programming language: Easy to learn language optimized for UI development and which compiles to native code.

Flutter Architecture

Flutter follows a layered architectural approach comprising:

Framework (Flutter engine)

SDK libraries and widgets

App code written in Dart

This provides separation of concerns between the framework, Flutter widgets, and app logic. Apps are built by composing Flutter widgets.

Why Use Flutter?

Here are some of the main benefits of using Flutter for mobile development:

Increased development speed: Hot Reload allows instant view of changes

Cross-platform: Write once and deploy to both iOS and Android

Expressive and flexible UI: Customizable widgets make beautiful UIs easy

Native performance: Apps have the look, feel and performance of native ones

Open source and free: Flutter is free to use with an active open source community

Flutter for Beginners

For beginners looking to get started with Flutter, here is a quick guide:

Install Flutter SDK and dependencies for your OS

Get an editor/IDE (Android Studio / VS Code)

Learn Dart language fundamentals

Go through Flutter documentation and examples

Build your first Flutter app: starter templates help you kickstart

Use Widget Catalog to understand Flutter widgets

Explore built-in designs and community packages

As you progress, keep learning with tutorials and courses. Joining the Flutter community also helps.

Building Apps with Flutter

When building apps with Flutter, developers combine Flutter widgets and use tools like:

  • Hot Reload for faster development
  • Dart for business logic and connecting to data sources
  • Rich widget catalog of UI elements
  • Navigation and routing for multi-screen apps
  • State management for reactive UIs
  • Platform channels to access native functions

Tools like DevTools for debugging

You can use emulators or real devices to view your Flutter app and optimize performance. Testing on both iOS and Android is easy.


Flutter makes it simpler to develop high quality native mobile apps with a single Dart codebase. With customizable widgets, excellent documentation, and growing community support, Flutter has become a leading choice for building cross-platform apps. The hot reload feature and expressive UI framework accelerate development, while the compiled output delivers excellent native performance.

When looking for a flutter app development company, Mechodal stands out as one of the best. With its strong track record in mobile app development and expertise in Flutter, Mechodal builds high-performance flutter apps catering to diverse industry verticals. Their Flutter app developers are highly skilled in using the latest Flutter capabilities and delivering seamless native experiences across platforms. For those seeking an expert Flutter app development partner, Mechodal is an ideal choice.
